Tailor-made solutions
Have you ever wondered how many factors affect the quality of the environment? Terrain, neighborhood, view from the window, location relative to the world, comfortably furnished living room or kitchen, ambient temperature, and much, much more. We will help you in choosing or shaping the perfect place for you.
How is the cooperation going?
The first step of a good home design is a careful analysis of where it is to be built. We check the plot potential, local law, and any inconvenience caused. At the same time, we try to find out the needs of its users. A tailor-made house is a place where you will feel comfortable, like in a perfectly tailored suit. That is why we analyze all its details – functional, aesthetic, or installation details. We encourage you to take advantage of the Premium Package, in which we can create a house for you from A to Z, along with a comprehensive interior design.
How is the cooperation going?
- help in choosing a plot
- location and local law analysis
- comprehensive building design with installations
- dealing with official matters
- BP / Obtaining a building permit:
Rekomendacje klientów
W.a. Świerad
Magda Krupa
Magdalena Szpak
Dominika Dral
Umów się na bezpłatną rozmowę konsultacyjną, w trakcie której porozmawiamy o Twoim nowym projekcie.